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1.5 crore pilgrims will dive in the Sangam for the first time. Strong security arrangements

On fifteenth January, on the main shower, Makar Sankranti in Kumbh, holy people and fans originating from each side of the nation and the world will get an 8 km long fringe to get a plunge of goodness. The perspective of the spread of this Kumbh around the globe, the Kumbh Mela organization gave another expansion of intersection based on the Puranas, with the help of Dharmacharyas and concluded the arrangements for the shower on Sunday.

Divya Kumbh

This time, from Shikoota to Someshwar Mahadev in Arail, there will be a combination of Sangam on shower entryways based on the two sides of Ganga The Mela organization has assessed the landing of Prayagraj of more than 1.50 million people, with strict security, by showering the lovers.

On the Makar Sankranti, the enthusiasts will be welcomed on Makar Sankranti shower. The aficionados will turn out to be a piece of the world's largest holy people devoted on the shower ghats working among Phaphmau and Arrel. Ships have been made for Sangam shower on the two sides of Ganga in 18 parts of Kumbhnagar, which lives in 20 segments. Amid the shower on the ghats, lovers can not be dive deep water Likewise, the security net is additionally set up, so that if somebody's foot slips amid the plunge, it will not have the ability to dive deep in the water. Obligation of judge and CO has been forced on each washing ghats

Likewise, the jumpers groups will likewise be positioned on constant washing ghats. Water police will keep on patroling the speedboat on the long conduits of Sangam. To encourage the showers, it has stopped at 95 points on Sectorwise Access courses. Pioneers from the vehicles will get going on all the courses of the reasonable zone before going to Sangam. Notwithstanding the NDRF, police, PAC and RAF have been warned.

Preparation of this kind of Kumbh

  • More than 73120 Chalked Plates laid on 375 km roads of Kumbhnagar
  • Devotees will reach Sangam in 22 Kumbh Mela areas
  • Bath creek built in 18 secter

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